
How to give a smoke-free barbecue grill odor removal industry information | | oven furnace grilled fish, roast mutton stove, grill, pizza oven - The artisan oven

by:Longzhao BBQ     2021-03-08
Drinking cold beer in the summer, eating delicious barbecue is the best of things, but in a smoke-free barbecue grill in use for a long time will be affected by a lot of conditions, to produce a lot of peculiar smell, so how do we give a smoke-free barbecue grill odor removal? To smell: in some barbecue meat, seafood food after they leave a smell, then we can have the lemon soaked into water, used to clean the grill. Two, for a little musty: during the rainy season, a smoke-free barbecue grill will damp, you can put a bar of soap, mildew can remove, also can be dried tea leaves into the gauze bag, put inside a smoke-free barbecue grill, can not only remove mildew flavour, can radiate a faint scent. Three, to smoke: in the process of combustion, to produce black smoke, if in kerosene or add a few drops of vinegar on the honeycomb briquet, smoke can be reduced or eliminated. Next article: use the barbecue equipment an article on how to eat healthier: how to choose to use the method of outdoor barbecue grill and
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