
Teppanyaki after using the four steps of equipment maintenance industry information | | oven furnace grilled fish, roast mutton stove, grill, pizza oven - The artisan oven

by:Longzhao BBQ     2021-03-08
Teppanyaki now popular with many people friends, residents also has a lot of friends in order to meet their luck to eat STH delicious, match a teppanyaki set in his will, to let yourself in idle time of enjoy yourself doing teppanyaki pleasure, but when finished, but don't know how to maintain their own teppanyaki equipment, for next time use, chang yun here teach you some easy fix. For the first time using the teppanyaki, clean it, and then clean the water above it, to keep them clean on the surface of the steel plate. The second after clean, can use a small amount of oil put mesa to polish. The third after each use, net of the stainless steel suction hood, oil and clean oil drawer, etc. Fourth of teppanyaki equipment duct cleaning oil regularly, ensure smooth duct. After more than four, are you feeling clean teppanyaki seems easy? Next article: teppanyaki equipment insulation system and the maintenance methods of technological innovation on an article: use type smoke-free teppanyaki what are some tips on the ingredients
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