
Teppanyaki practice 2 simple teppanyaki recipe industry information | | oven furnace grilled fish, roast mutton stove, grill, pizza oven - The artisan oven

by:Longzhao BBQ     2021-03-08
A, 2 simple teppanyaki practice teppanyaki recipes of teppanyaki beef is required to prepare ingredients and seasonings: salt pepper beef ham butter Onions, ginger, lemon juice, vinegar, soy sauce carrot butter, sugar, salt. Teppanyaki practice 2 simple teppanyaki recipes of teppanyaki beef: 1. Put all seasoning mix 2. Peel carrots after wash, cut into round, 3 into the pan. Pour suitable amount of water, add the sugar and butter, boil 4 back cover the pain. Small fire slowly cook for 10 minutes or so, sizzling hot butter stir into the 5. Fry diced beef and sprinkle pepper, sprinkle some salt can pretend to 6. With carrots, celery, the ornament, pour in sauce. Two, the practice of teppanyaki 2 simple teppanyaki cookbook article teppanyaki juice of tomato is needed to prepare ingredients and seasonings: eggplant green red pepper, onion onion sesame sauce monosodium salt, chicken powder, pepper sauce juice. Teppanyaki practice 2 simple teppanyaki cookbook article teppanyaki juice of tomato in: 1. Cut eggplant into article in starch, wrapped in a hot frying pan 2. Fried to change color, will remove about half a minute or so, and then put in boiling water 3. Blanch to remove after oil, dry water control for 4. Pour green red pepper and onion diced into pot, add soy sauce 5. Add salt, chicken essence, hot pepper sauce, pour into 6 dressing a stirring and a half minutes. Finally, water starch flour into a viscous pour into cutting and stir well. 7. Sprinkle scallions and sesame is completed. Next article: eat teppanyaki beer men's right foot is swollen up a paper on the package: iron squid BBQ squid really delicious
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