
The perfect combination of ornamental and delicious - — Teppanyaki industry information | | oven furnace grilled fish, roast mutton stove, grill, pizza oven - The artisan oven

by:Longzhao BBQ     2021-03-08
Plate burning is a kind of taste and the combination of visual, he is a distinguished catering to enjoy, it changed the traditional forms of cooking, with iron shovel to prop scene produced for the stage, the edge of the sword; It will all the raw materials before you cook, cook the exclusive you taste food, let a guest experience aristocratic restaurant to enjoy. Teppanyaki is one of the most beautiful dining way, because the teppanyaki food delicious, still have very excellent performances of fancy. Teppanyaki it very accord with the needs of the people a healthy diet. Fresh ingredients, pay attention to eat raw ingredients, and cooking weighs less oil, less salt, only a third of the dosage of Chinese food, very delicate, very little flavor, freshness completely from food itself. Condiments and less, butter is used to titian raises fresh, palm oil, coconut oil, salad oil, high flash point, does not have its own taste, won't destroy the flavor of food. And iron plate can be reached very quickly and accurately maintain at temperatures above 300 degrees, the ingredients can quickly mature, maximum keep the nutrition of food, taste is incomparable. At the same time, production teppanyaki is site, diners can while enjoying the delicious food enjoy cook exquisite cooking skills. Short shovel two, each a knife and fork, left hand side is the copper cap, right hand with salt, pepper sauce pot, watching the cook steak rolled high, while changing posture, beautiful, let a person appetite. Gen green ship think, gourmet power, teppanyaki. Next article: catering new favorite - — Teppanyaki a: teppanyaki food collocation of nutrition analysis
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