
The practice of teppanyaki industry information | | oven furnace grilled fish, roast mutton stove, grill, pizza oven - The artisan oven

by:Longzhao BBQ     2021-03-08
To understand the teppanyaki, must first understand teppanyaki. Teppanyaki, just as its name implies, is on a big plate, barbecue food. To make the most delicious teppanyaki key to control time of the barbecue. Prior to barbecue with high-temperature heat, gas, iron plate and put the material on the plate burning, seafood, and then the beef, add a little food. Time is different, because of various materials need time cooperation must be right. Teppanyaki seasoning aspects is given priority to with butter, cream, out of the fragrance, add a little salt, wine, and finally pouring into the chefs carefully prepared sauce, can not only bring out the freshness of various materials, can also enhance food's original flavor. In addition, the sauce is equipped with unique decrease internal heat seasoning, taste delicious and healthy. In the seafood sauce pickles and dipping sauce. Teppanyaki seafood marinade: ingredients: 1000 g Korean chili sauce soy sauce 150 grams of fine soon, 300 grams of wine and 100 grams, 50 grams of 200 grams of ginger garlic juice, 100 g 100 grams of sesame oil. Method: in a stainless steel barrel, adding 2000 grams of water, transferred to the south Korean chili sauce, soy sauce, after a small fire boil, down to the fine soon, stir well, add wine, flavour, ginger, garlic sauce, sesame oil, stir to reboiler, from cool fire, which is made. Remark: when marinated seafood raw materials with more fresh chili. It is said that this is because the beach environment humidity, residents eat chili to rheumatism, thus formed with spicy seafood flavor. Teppanyaki seafood: dipping sauce ingredients: capsicum frutescens 300 grams 200 grams of fish bone soup sauce 50 grams of 100 grams, refined salt monosodium glutamate 50 grams of sugar, 150 g minced garlic 50 grams of sesame oil 50 grams of drinking a little. Practice: capsicum frutescens capped in addition to seeds and cut into pieces, bowl, add soup, soy sauce, fish meal, refined salt, monosodium glutamate, white sugar, garlic with a little cold water and stir to mix well, add sesame oil, namely to make dipping sauce. To understand the teppanyaki, must first know how to arrange the delicious teppanyaki sauce. A sauce will taste delicious teppanyaki to add color. Next up: the method of making the big fish teppanyaki is introduced in the previous: 2 simple teppanyaki recipes
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